Essential To Life

Microbes are essential elements in ALL living things. They actually cycle and deliver the nutrients for life! Did you know your body is a walking, talking microbial community? The human body is composed of about 85% microbes. They're in your mouth, ears, belly – all your innards. They're also on everything you touch, including your lips, skin, eating utensils, clothes, toothbrush, countertops, etc. Some microbes are good/beneficial, others are bad/harmful. The key to keeping the harmful microbes from creating disease involves proper balance of and quorum sensing within the microbial population.

Bacteria & Fungi

Bacteria and fungi are not scary terms. There are gazillions of species of beneficial microorganisms in nature. A harmful species of bacteria does not hurt anything, until the entire population gets imbalanced. When an overpopulation of harmful bacteria occurs, the community becomes pathogenic. This causes sickness and disease, sometimes death. We're still in the Coronavirus pandemic. The human body should be able to mitigate a naturally-occuring Coronavirus, as long as the population of beneficial microorganisms outnumber the bad, with few exceptions.

